Anti Ragging Cell

The Anti-ragging committee formed in our institution takes care to prevent all the ragging cases in the college premises. As per the guide lines issued by the supreme court of India and the Anti-ragging measures of state and centre is taken into consideration while adopting Anti-ragging measures in our institution. All the students were informed about the following administrative actions taken if anyone found guilty in the same. Anti-Ragging Cell of our college assures that Little Flower College campus is a Ragging free campus and our institution has only zero tolerance against ragging cases.. It is constituted under the leadership of principal, staff members, student representatives, PTWA members etc. All the students were given the code of conduct of our college during the common Induction Programme in the auditorium on the first reopening day in the month of June for the parents and students. The first year students are informed to report any ragging cases inside and outside of our college and all the senior students are advised to abstain themselves from all types of such bullying, body shaming, teasing, insulting and ragging the junior students. Indulging in any such practices will be punishable. The institution assures all kinds of protection for all the students against any sort of ragging cases. Due to the whole hearted support of the staff and students, no ragging cases were found in our college so far.


·         Suspension from attending classes and academic privileges.

·         Withholding/withdrawing scholarship/fellowship and other benefits.

·         Debarring from appearing in any test/examination or other evaluation process.

·         Withholding results.

·         Debarring from representing the institution in any regional, national or international meet, Tournament, youth festival, etc.

·         Suspension/expulsion from the hostel

·         Cancellation of admission

·         Rustication from the institution for period ranging from one to four semesters

·         Expulsion from the institution and consequent debarring from admission to any other institution   for a specified period

·         Provided that where the persons committing or abetting the act of ragging are not identified, the Institution shall resort to collective punishment.


·         Sr.Dr.Valsa M A(Principal)

·         Dr. Swapana Johny(Asst.Professor,Dept of Zoology)

·         Dr. Sithara  K Urumbil (Asst.Professor,Dept of Malayalam)

·         Mr.Derry Paul(Dept of Politics)

·         Dr. K Ajith (PTA Vice President)

·         Jeslin Rose (I BA English Student)

·         Rose Mary (II BSc Zoology Student)

·         Smt. Sajini P.J(Ministerial Staff)

·         Mr. Binto Thomas(Ministerial Staff)

·         Representative from Temple Police

Report 2023-24

  Report 2022-23


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