
“UGC Scheme for Mentoring NAAC Accreditation Aspirant Institutions to promote Quality Assurance in Higher Education”

As a part of the quality mandate, University Grants Commission (UGC) has developed the scheme of PARAMARSH, a new initiative for mentoring non-accredited institutions to enable them to get accredited by 2022. The scheme intends to promote well performing accredited institutions to Mentor the NAAC accreditation aspiring Mentee institutions to upgrade their academic performance and get accredited.
Little Flower College, Guruvayoor is recognized as a mentor institution, by considering the College’s performance in NAAC with A grade (CGPA of 3.52) in the second cycle. The Mentoring is being imparted through the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the College.

The following institutions are selcted as Mentee Colleges:
1) Ansar Womens College, Perumpilavu
2) Mar Osthatheos College, Perumpilavu
3) Mother Arts and Science College, Peruvallur
4) Sree Narayana Guru College of Advanced Studies, Nattika
5) Divine Institute of Media Science - DiMS Muringoor
MOUs have been signed with the Institutions for conducting the programmes of the scheme.



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