Incubation Centre

Little Flower Incubation Centre

Aim: To enable the students to get first-hand experience in entrepreneurship, promote innovation driven activities at the institution.


·         To provide comprehensive and integrated range of support including space, mentoring, training programs and networking.

·         To provide hands-on experience in innovation and entrepreneurship while being nurtured and encouraged by faculty, management and industry experts.

·         To be the hub of innovative and high impact ventures in social, educational, commercial and other domains.

Activities of Little Flower Incubation Centre:

Department of Chemistry :

·         Paper bag & Cloth Bag making:

·         Umbrella Making

·         Cloth Mat

Department of Physics  : 

·         LED Bulb Making Unit

Department of Botany  :

·         Prakrithi Organic Manures

Department of Multimedia: 

·         Video Editing Multimedia Programmes

·         Logo Making Multimedia Programmes

Departments of English and Functional English:

·         Green Girl

Department of Economics:

·         Unnathy

·         Earn a Living

Department of Malayalam:

·         Penma Zero Investment Industry

 Department of History:

·         Widening the Horizon

 Community College :

·         Mushroom cultivation Management

 Green Girl

Penma Zero Investment Industry

Unnathy & Earn a Living

Chem Skills

Prakrithi Organic Manures

LED Bulb Making Unit

Widening the Horizon

Media Centre 

Paperbag & Cloth Bag making

Training on Content Writing

Mushroom Training
