Being followers of Franciscan ideology, the College accentuate a transformational synergy among students to become vanguards of green earth.Keeping pace with the Little Flower Value Eco-Sensibility, we train our students to be sensitive to the needs of the earth and environment. We propagate a respectful co-existence rather than utilization of earth. We have an Eco-Park honouring St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of ecology. The College also maintains Botanical Garden, Butterfly Garden, Herbal Garden and Vegetable Gardens. The heritage zone named Victoria Park is a beautiful garden in honour of our pioneers especially Rev. Sr. Mary Victoria the first Principal. Provision is made to segregate and collect waste in different pits. The campus records a total number of 800 coconut trees, 182 mango trees and 468 other trees and more than 1000 potted plants.  The trees planted by various departments and clubs during the Vanamahothsava and Environment Day celebrations every year have increased the green canopy of the Campus. Campus cleaning is taken up earnestly by the faculty and students during the CSS hour every week. All the internal and external initiative under taken by the Institution like Unnath Bharath Abyan, Swacha Bharat Abyan and all Collaborative green Initiatives organised by various Departments enhance the ideal concept of a Green Canopy.

Franciscan Green Canopy –A  Green Initiative

  • The Franciscan Green Canopy has its essence in the institutionalized values which the students undertake with enthusiasm and vigor through Governmental and Non- governmental agencies.The eco sensible values are propagated consciously through various activities undertaken by the students both within and outside the campus.
  •  The Franciscan Green Canopy Initiatives included a number of Eco friendly Projects undertaken by the students within the campus like

A Study Spider Species Diversity in the College campus

  • A Study of Insect Diversity in the Butterfly Garden of Little Flower Butterfly Garden.
  • The Faculty and Students have Signature Minor Projects and Doctorates, Documentaries and Publications of Books and Research Papers on Eco sensibilities like Ecological pertinence on psycho – social contour of young learners, Climate Change in Literature and Franciscan vision on Nature and Environment and its interpretation in three different generations.
  • Ecological Cultural Semantics , A compendium of  40 Research Papers of Faculty and Students.

 The Franciscan Green Canopy Eco friendly projects outside the campus were taken up on topics like :  

  • Effect of Hydrological parameters on Icthio-faunal diversity of Chettuva  estuary,Comparative study on species diversity of Spider Fauna and their Webs,Changing patterns in fish assemblage in Kole lands, distribution of Rhopalocerans.  Projects related to Sacred Snake Groves and the eco cultural significance.The long history of Canoli canal a significant contribution of Lord O’Connolloy in the waterway creation for commerce. Cinematic concepts of Thinai of Sangam Literature.Velur Agrarian Fertility Myth and Buffalo ritualEco Sensibility of migration of farmers in novels. Suguthakumari’s vision on Environment.
  •  A number of studies on the various medicinal  plants  and essential spices that are relevant to the wellbeing of mankind is carried through projects that are inhouse as well as outside campus both by students and Faculty like  Extraction of essential oil from Gliricidia  sepium leaves, Antibacterial study of Cinnamomum, Effect of incorporation  of Cassia Fistula, curry leaf extract on oxidative  stability of ghee, Occurrence of sodium in milk after CIP cleaning, Comparative study on vitamin C content in different samples of fruits and vegetables and kinetics of its thermal degradation, Phytochemical analysis, antibacterial and in vitro cytotoxicity study of Azadirachta indicacarica papaya, Biochemical constituents of Dhanthapala leaf, bark and its oil and Hibiscus tree, Extraction of essential oil from ocimus sanctum, Green synthesis of Silver nanoparticles from the leaf of Spondias Dulcis and  Iron nanoparticles from the bark of Wrightia tinctoria (ROXB), Evaluation of fulvic acid complex through infrared spectroscopic analysis: a case study in amaranthus seedlings.
  • Projects undertaken to study  on Quality assessment of public water supply, Food Adulteration, uranium in drinking water wells  of Kasaragod  District, cyanide  content in edible foods, study of Natural and artificial fruit juices, Estimation of ascorbic acid in fruits, Antibacterial and invitro cytotoxicity studies,Evaluation of different types of  ASH  materials  for plant nutrients  and silica, A study on the characterisation and seasonal variation of dissolved bioorganic compounds in mangrove ecosystem, Absorption of cadmium in mangrove soil of kerala ,A study on antibacterial and heavy metal removal efficiency of MnO2/ Ag composite,Use of antioxidant modified silica in natural  rubber, Epoxidation of natural rubber seed oil and its application in rubber compounds,Extraction of nano cellulose from arecanut spathe, A study on comparison of carbon naotube and grapheme on natural rubber composites, Evaluation of heavy metal content in the vegetables grown under different nutrient management practices. Isolation of nanocellulose from arecanut sheath and preparation of natural rubber-nanocellulosecomposites
  •  Aesthetic Conservation of Nature was performed through various activities like  Thakazhi’s short story analysis of life journey of farmers, Oral Ballads on culture and environment, campus plays hosted to encourage the eco sensibilities and Environment Day Commemoration by Sapling Planting , PACHAPPU, ‘Selfie in the Rain, Eco friendly Beauty Contest, Slogan making and Poster making, Poetry creation, Speech, Photography, Competitions , Interdepartmental Quizzes , Environmental Pledges , Eco friendly Exhibitions , ‘Tree Poetry’, Seminar and Expert Resource Awareness Programmes.
  • Training in Agricultural Products within the campus  like Organic bio fertilizer manufacturing JAIVADHARA Project, Vegetable Gardening, Farmers Day activities, Organic Farming by the NSS and other departments   within the campus,  Home Farming during Monsoon VEETUVILA project, Tree planting and tree adoption programme the Green COVENANT,Swatch Bharat Fortnight Activities, Spinach For Blood Programme, Organic Manure Workshop on vermin composting.
  • Eco –Sensitization Activities in the campus are organized with much enthusiasm. This includes programmes for Swatchwada Pakwadha Observance, Earn a Living Incubation Centre Programme, , Paper Skill, Poster Competition for Wild Life Day, Bio Diversity Conservation Challenges and Opportunities of Kerala, All There is Between U and UV Programme, Eco File Making Programme, Identification of Fauna of the Campus, Swap Shop –RRR Program, Debate Competition on International Disaster Day.
  • Anti Plastic Movements are organized within the campus and  is a regular feature  of the Institute for the past many years. The students are engaged in Plastic waste removal and proper disposal every Tuesdays of a week, impart of awareness on less plastic waste generation through Pamphlet  distribution Campaign, Anti Plastic Expos and Workshops on Paper Bag Making were conducted by the NSS and other departments.
  • Awareness Programmes through Seminars, Expert Resource Personal who disseminate environmental updates. A KSCSTE sponsored State Level Seminars Wetland Conservation Day, Cognizance on Biome HeterogeneityMedicinal Plants were held in the campus. A Grand National Level UGC Sponsored Seminar  And International Filmfest On Ecology  Was Held  In The Campus With 16 Prime Guest Speakers And Ten Resource Persons On Diverse Aspects Of Ecology Discussed Threadbare Through Simultaneous  Platforms For Two Days .
  • The Green Protocol and the Environment and Energy Protocol has been instilled as policies and practices on the campus. The Green and Energy survey in the campus by our faculty and students under the expertise of Environmental Experts threw up a comfortable picture of our joint effort in reducing the carbon footprints  The Green and Energy Audit Report has vindicated efforts of our management faculty and students bearing the flag of eco sensible social commitment with aplomb.The awareness created by experts on environmental issues in various spheres of society has enriched the momentum of creating a green campus in this institution.



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